Our Group has embarked on an important change management path aimed at giving centrality to our people, the Company's most precious asset, by encouraging dialogue and listening, essential elements for creating relationships based on trust and transparency. Individual and Group growth takes place with the collaboration and constant cooperation of everyone, bringing together ideas and practice, skills and actions, international and multidisciplinary exchange and comparison. The future of the company is based on the ability to share risks, results and create value in a shared way, with the contribution of all people.


As part of the development and improvement initiatives, we launched the Fincantieri for the Future project in Italy with the aim of developing and implementing an organic path of change management at all levels, necessary to better address current and future competitive challenges. The first step of the project saw the active involvement and listening of workers, through the administration of an anonymous questionnaire aimed at assessing the organizational climate, people's expectations and their suggestions.


The results obtained from this first survey were the starting point for designing, planning and implementing improvement actions in response to the objective evidence that emerged, the so-called "change yards". With the aim of promoting the exchange of views, comparison and dialogue, we shared the results and contents of the "change yards", during dedicated meetings at all production units, divisions, directions and Italian subsidiaries, which saw the involvement of over 6,500 resources. In the same way as in the first step, the monitoring process for the change initiatives launched was started, to collect suggestions from people with a view to continuous improvement, through a new survey.
As part of the change management project, the FincantieriON initiative was launched with the aim of promoting, by individual employees, the generation and sharing of innovative proposals aimed at improving the product, processes, working methods and life in the company. Participants with the most innovative ideas received accolades and awards


The emerged evidence, among which the growing awareness of the need for change and of how it is a living and vital process in the Company, was shared during 2018 in meetings aimed at all Group employees, who were able to actively participate in the project also through a direct dialectical exchange with the management. Always with the aim of "putting people at the center", spreading the culture, corporate values ​​and all the initiatives launched as part of the change management project, we have set up a network of internal facilitators. These are Group employees who, due to their personality, attitude and propensity, can facilitate the change process, also stimulating participation in everyday life at all levels, taking advantage of formal and informal occasions, with the aim of making everyone understand that it can and must be active part of the change.



The project was "dressed" in green with the launch of Fincantieri for the Green Future, a new initiative aimed at raising awareness and bringing employees closer to the issue of the environment, making them protagonists of a process of continuous improvement. Fincantieri for the Green Future is a call to action, that is an invitation and a stimulus to provide a tangible contribution in favor of environmental protection with virtuous behaviors, small daily actions, simple gestures and attention to waste, starting from greater awareness and sensitivity on environmental sustainability in the Company.


Precisely with the aim of promoting environmental sustainability, not only as an opportunity, but as a real mission, the second edition of FincantieriON was held in 2020.
The initiative, aimed at all employees, promoted the collection of innovative ideas that can contribute to protecting the environment and creating long-term value.


During the year, a new growth and evolution program dedicated to innovation, the introduction of new technologies and the development of new ways of working and skills was consolidated: Fincantieri for the Digital Future. The project aims at the complete digital transformation of the entire value chain, with the use of technology aimed at improving the experience of employees, customers, suppliers, partners and all interested parties of the Company.


As part of the Fincantieri for the Future project, the "Make a difference!" with the aim of increasing people's awareness of diversity and equal opportunities, connecting the Diversity & Inclusion business model more and more to the organization's continuous improvement processes and enhancing every element of diversity as a source of enrichment and growth for the Group .

The first step of this initiative was the administration of a survey aimed at measuring the level of people's awareness of diversity and inclusion and identifying priorities in this area in order to build a plan of actions and initiatives that support the development of a culture unique company.