Our activities are carried out in compliance with the law, internal regulations and professional ethics, and we adopted a set of policies and guidelines that support us at any time, contained in the specific sections of this website. All activities of the Group are in compliance with the principles of the international conventions (such as the 1997 OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions) and in strict adherence to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Fincantieri follows an anti-corruption integrated approach based on the value of integrity, principle that inspires the Company's business. We define the rules by means of our Code of Conduct, we develop compliance models like the Organizational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree n.231 of 8 June 2001 (231 Model), we participate to institutional control and law protection initiatives (National Framework Tender Protocol), we adopt and update policies and operating procedures, we provide specific training and we involve all stakeholders in the program monitoring by means of our whistleblowing system.


This approach is summarized in the anti-corruption management system for which Fincantieri obtained the ISO 37001 certification in 2020. The continuous effectiveness of the anti-corruption initiatives is ensured by the system certification maintenance actions, by the role of the anti-corruption function and its manager, by monitoring the validity and appropriateness of the "231 Model”, by specific audits based on the annual plan and the periodic corruption and fraud risk assessment in the mainframe of the Enterprise Risk Management.


Finally, FINCANTIERI promotes the Social Responsibility, communicating all related activities in the Sustainability Report.