Occupational safety, workers' health, care and improvement of working environments have always been our guiding principles and the basis of our policies, which consider safety as a strategic and development factor of the enterprise. We place strict protection of the health and safety of all workers, whether they are our own employees or those of contracting companies, at the basis of every action.

We have integrated these commitments into our governance by implementing an Integrated Management System of Health and Safety at Work, Environment and Energy, whose Policy - approved by the CEO of Fincantieri S.p.A, binding for all Group employees and addressed to the entire supplier base - is shared through the coordination activities carried out in the different production units.

At the strategic level, bringing a zero-injury future on board is one of our priority goals and achieving zero injuries our course. With this ambition we launched the Safety Improvement Plan in 2023.

Included in the Plan is the Zero Accidents Future On Board #SAFETYONBOARD institutional communication campaign. Inaugurated on April 28, 2023 on World Occupational Safety and Health Day, the campaign raises awareness of the importance of keeping our people focused, through billboards, digital signage and experiential activities at construction sites.

Watch the video

As part of the Plan, other initiatives have also been launched, all aimed at spreading a culture of safety and promoting a dialogue on the subject. These initiatives are in continuity with, and reinforce, the activities envisaged by the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Fincantieri S.p.A. and INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work).


Some of the main initiatives planned in the field of Occupational Health and Safety can be explored below.


To ensure optimal management of Occupational Health and Safety, we adopt best practices in this area and have Management Systems in place for all Group sites. For these Management Systems, moreover, we have obtained certification according to the ISO 45001 standard in relation to 100% of Italian production sites and 89% at the Group level.

The Management Systems enable us to:

  • carefully analyze all risks to the health and safety of our employees and suppliers;
  • Structure appropriate prevention and protection measures to eliminate or minimize these risks;
  • Systematically disseminate training and information about Occupational Health and Safety.


Over the years, these measures have produced a steady improvement in performance in this area, steadily reducing injury cases.


We constantly monitor the health risk elements of our people through appropriate health surveillance that, within the protocols, includes:

  • Periodic medical examinations;
  • Specialist assessments;
  • Diagnostic examinations.

Based on the results obtained from these activities, we take specific measures to prevent, protect and promote the well-being of all workers.

Also with this in mind, we conduct meetings at each site with employees and Workers' Safety Representatives. The meetings are also aimed at identifying possible sources of work-related stress. Upstream of these meetings, initiatives can be defined, where necessary, in logic of risk reduction, for example through specific training courses or organizational measures.


We are committed to ensuring continuous improvement in Health and Safety performance, particularly in relation to the occurrence of accident incidents.

To control and prevent accidents, we carry out technical analyses and investigations, both at the Group and site levels, about the trend of the accident index related to employees and contracted firms and individual events that resulted in an accident, as well as near misses. The results of the analyses and investigations are summarized in reports to the various levels of responsibility and to top management and lead to the implementation of corrective actions.

Prevention of accident events also takes place through a culture of dialogue and collaboration. With this in mind, monthly corporate coordination meetings are held involving all those involved in the governance of Occupational Health and Safety, i.e., HSE managers, those responsible for prevention and protection services (RSPP), the managers of each production site and the main Italian subsidiaries, and the Directors and HR Business Partners of the individual plants.

A guiding tool for prevention is then the Accident, Near Miss, Unsafe Condition/Behaviour and Positive Feedback Management Procedure, updated in 2023, which establishes how to make detections of accident and similar incidents. To ensure the effectiveness of the Procedure we have implemented a digital medium, which allows in relation to each incident the recording and management of Unsafe Observations, the archiving of photographic evidence and the indication of the corrective measures implemented.

Finally, we ensure a healthy and safe working environment by raising awareness of this issue among our top management. For them, we have also adopted specific Health and Safety targets to determine the variable compensation of figures with managerial and supervisory roles.

Our performance on Health and Safety testifies to the effectiveness of the measures described above.



  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of recordable work-related injuries 343 301 339 254 265 296 245
Frequency rate (injury rate) (LTIFR) 9.4 8.5 9.7 7.7 7.4 8.1 6,6
Severity index (LTSR) 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0,2

The data refer to the entire Fincantieri Group.

Index Frequency Rate (LTIFR), i.e. considering the sum of injuries at work with at least one lost working day.
The severity index was calculated as: (number of days lost due to injury/hours worked) * 1,000. and was evaluated as the Lost Time Severity Rate (LTSR), i.e. taking into account the number of days of absence due to injury, starting from the first day after the injury.


We believe that spreading the culture of Occupational Health and Safety is a fundamental preventive measure. Therefore, we constantly invest in training and informing our employees, offering them comprehensive and up-to-date programs covering a wide range of topics.


To spread safety culture and awareness and identify best practices to be adopted according to the peculiarities of each site, dialogue and co-participation are key tools.

With this in mind, the Perceptions Alignment initiative was launched, which involves a monthly meeting on Health and Safety issuesin which key functions at the site (Director, HR Business Partner and HSE Manager) align their perceptions on climate, collaboration, performance and action plans.

Additional opportunities for safety dialogue, developed as part of the Safety on the Job activity, are Safety and Environment Meetings, inspections of workplaces in which both anomalies and compliant situations are noted and minuted.

Similarly, the Accident Committees represent moments of confrontation: following each accident, there is a moment of analysis in the presence of the injured person and his supervisor in which to discuss the incident by identifying causes and related corrective actions.


The path to zero accidents goes through a process of continuous improvement.

With the First in Class Shipyard initiative, we share monthly safety indicators related to each plant's performance. This approach not only highlights the first-in-class site, but also generates healthy competition among the Group's plants.

Of the same tenor is the Shipyard Safety First initiative, through which safety is placed as the first item on the agenda during management, production and those meetings led by the Heads of Workshop. Performance indicators and communications from Safety Bulletins are shared, thus ensuring a constant focus on occupational health and safety.


Improving the culture of safety at work also means increasing the level of perception of potential risks at sites.

It is with this in mind that Safety Walk Arounds, i.e., inspections carried out in homogeneous areas by activity, are planned at all Italian plants, enabling field training in risk perception and the exercise of the role of a supervisor.

The training is carried out by the first levels of operational areas, with the support of the Prevention and Protection Services, and involves both in-house supervisors and those from contracting companies. During these meetings, the types of risks, reportable anomalies, and best practices for safe behaviors are explained, with emphasis on near misses, unsafe conditions, dangerous behaviors, and positive feedback.



Among our health and wellness promotion initiatives, we developed a project to spread healthy lifestyles by involving all people at Fincantieri S.p.A. and its Italian subsidiaries.

In particular, the following thematic areas were covered:

-  guide to proper nutrition;

-  conscious consumption of alcoholic beverages;

-   medical prevention.

An information flyer was developed for each thematic area and sent via e-mail after the project launch. The communication and the three flyers were posted on the company intranet and displayed on monitors in canteens. Hard copies were distributed to everyone through the most appropriate communication channels at each production site, delivering them to strategic locations such as company infirmaries.

The entire project was preliminarily shared with the Workers' Representatives and implemented with the collaboration of the corporate Chief Medical Officer.


We also spread the culture of continuous Safety improvement among our business partners.

With this in mind, our Safety Strengthening Plan includes Stream Pressing for Contractors, an initiative targeting workers from contracting firms operating at our sites. This project aims to stimulate fruitful collaboration between suppliers and Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) agencies to identify and implement corrective health and safety interventions.

The project was initiated by convening seven suppliers, reported from the Group's Italian plants. They were asked to draw up a specific Improvement Plan, containing the initiatives needed to align with the required HSE performance standards. The adoption of the Improvement Plan involved collaboration between suppliers and the local HSE teams, with a moment of exchange downstream of the first implementation phase in order to analyze the results achieved and identify possible points for improvement. 


The commitment of all Group companies to promoting Occupational Health and Safety is also recognized by third-party bodies. 

This is the case for Fincantieri Marinette Marine, which in 2023 was awarded the Excellence in Safety Award for promoting safety and accident prevention by the Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA).

This prestigious award recognizes organizations that stand out for their excellence in workplace safety performance. To receive the award, companies must meet strict criteria, including:

- submit the SCA Injury & Illness survey for all four quarters of the year;

-  have no recorded fatalities;

- have a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) below the SCA average or have reduced TRIR by 10 percent or more from the previous year.


In 2023, we raised awareness of safety risks present in shipbuilding activities and proper environmental behaviors through a multimedia course called Together in Safety.


The course was intended for all workers operating in the Group's Italian plants, including employees of contractors, a total of about 30,000 people. Participation, moreover, has become a mandatory requirement for first-time entry into the Group's production sites, and this is because the course provides:

-  specific information on each production unit: to enable workers to know in detail the work environment in which they will be working;

-  information on Emergency Plans: to ensure that all workers know what to do in the event of an emergency.


To increase its dissemination and effectiveness, the course has been produced in the 10 languages most in use at Fincantieri plants.

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Which objectives do we have on this topic?

Health and safety in the workplace: 2023-2027 Sustainability Plan objectives and targets

Continuous improvement of workers’ health and safety conditions

Discover the objectives

Improvement of health and safety at work performance with a view to zero accidents to protect workers' health and the work environment


Description/Target Ttimeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Contain the frequency rate for work-related injuries* below 7.5 for the next 5 years


* Frequency rate (injury rate) (no. of work-related injuries/hours worked x 1,000,000)





During 2023, there has been a frequency index < to 7.5 and a severity index ≤ 0.2. In particular, it is recorded:

Frequency rate:
2021: 7,41
2022: 8,14
2023: 6,56

Severity index:
2021: 0,23
2022: 0,28
2023: 0,18


Contain the severity index** below 0.2 for the next 5 years


** Severity index (no. of days lost due to injuries/hoursworked x 1,000)

Conducting work-related stress risk analysis


Descrption/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

100% of Italian shipyards and subsidiaries over 4 years analysed on work-related stress risk



 Work in progress



Support tools to improve ergonomics and reduce workloads


Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Carry out a feasibility study for the adoption of tools to support manual activities, such as industrial exoskeletons, that are compatible with the work environment on board ships under construction in relation to the increase in the average age of the working population in order to achieve an improvement in working conditions in certain activities that engage the musculoskeletal system through robotic structures of various types



 Work in progress



Following the outcome of feasibility studies, make the tools identified as suitable for Group companies with similar production processes progressively operational


Supporting inspection activities through robotic systems


Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Carry out a feasibility study for the adoption of autonomous inspection and monitoring systems for shipyard areas and on board ship. These tools will be used to perform their tasks in high-risk or difficult-to-access areas for personnel or for the automation of low value-added tasks





One of the strands of in-depth study initiated in 2023 relates to the adoption of Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) systems for inspection and monitoring at the construction site and on board ship. The feasibility study focused on assembly/construction activities, activities in hazardous areas or poorly accessible, and activities with low added value for operators.


Development and operation of 3 prototypes such as: quadrupeds or rovers equipped with sensors for monitoring activities, drones for inspection to analyse accessibility of high-risk areas


 Work in progress


Extension of instruments to Group companies with similar production processes



Human resources responsibility

Our people

Group Conduct agreement

Diversity and equal opportunity

Training and development

Our initiatives for Covid-19


Company welfare

Business Ethics