Committments and policies
We consider paramount to ensure and advocate for the respect of human rights within our operations and commercial relationships.
That is why, starting from 2019, we voluntarily signed the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on corporate sustainability, which with regard to human rights urge companies to:
1) support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights (equality, safety and security, personal liberty and economic, social and cultural freedoms) within their sphere of influence;
2) make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses;
3) uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
4) uphold elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
5) uphold the effective abolition of child labour;
6) uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
These principles are also enshrined in the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and are core to our governance, missions, and values.
Our dedication to such principles is reflected in our Policy on Human Rights – Commitment for the Respect of Human Rights and Diversity, alongside our Code of Conduct, Charter of Sustainability Commitments, and Sustainability Plan.
Through this framework, we advocate for awareness and respect of human rights within our sphere of influence.
Our policy places a specific focus on Diversity and Inclusion, as we consider them strategic for our corporate competitiveness and the development of our people.
Upholding the respect of Human Rights along the Value Chain
Throughout 2023, we strengthened our commitment to uphold the respect of human rights within our supply chain by implementing Human Rights Risk Assessments (HRRA). This initiative also anticipates the provisions of the European Parliament and Council's Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD).
We conducted the HRRA at our Italian and European production sites, as well as at the facilities of our contractors and Tier 1 suppliers with whom Fincantieri has commercial relationships. The assessment followed a thorough risk-based approach, which included an in-depth analysis of existing and potential negative human rights impacts within our value chain. As a result, we have identified the main risks throughout the entire supply chain and categorized them based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence. The classification process also took into account the market segment and geographical area in which we operate, as different political and social contexts pose varying potentials for human rights violations.
According to the HRRA results, we will define and implement targeted actions at the audited sites. These actions will be aimed at continuous improvement to ensure the strongest possible adherence to human rights throughout our supply chain.
As part of our commitment on advocate the respect of human rights along our value chain, we also started in 2019 an ESG second-part audit program on our priority/strategic suppliers. The audits involve the use of two detailed checklists to assess various aspects of a company’s operations. One of these checklists is specifically designed to examine health, safety, and human rights issues within the organization. This comprehensive checklist also evaluates the company’s adherence to the principles outlined in the Supplier Code of Ethics.
Between 2019 and 2023, despite the constraints imposed by the Covid-19 emergency, we successfully audited 162 strategic suppliers. The audit findings consistently demonstrated full compliance with Fincantieri standards.
Alongside with the HRAA and ESG Audits initiatives, we seal the respect of human rights along the value chain through a comprehensive set of measures, such as the supplier qualification process (which also includes monitoring compliance with labor regulations) and the whistleblowing system (accessible also to contracted and sub-contracted workers).
Which objectives do we have on this topic?
Human rights: 2023-2027 Sustainability Plan objectives and target
Commitment to creating the socio-economic conditions to ensure respect for human rights throughout the value chain
Discover the objectives
In accordance with the guidelines being defined* and international best practices, proactively identify and assess potential risks and impacts related to the respect of human rights, incorporated in the policy and Code of Ethics, referred to and signed by suppliers in the general terms and conditions of the order
* In order to anticipate the demands contained in the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Duty of Care of Businesses with regard to sustainability
Description/Target | Timeline | Perimeter | Status | SDGs |
Due diligence on Italian and European production sites and their satellite businesses |
2023 |
Group |
In order to identify any human rights impacts during the year, the due diligence process was initiated on Italian and European sites, including contractors and suppliers (Tier 1) with whom Fincantieri does business. |
Implementation of a plan of targeted interventions following due diligence |
2024 |
Monitoring compliance through the formalization of the monitoring and maintenance plan |
2025 |
Annual (second party) sustainability audits by Fincantieri at suppliers’ premises to assessand monitor suppliers' compliance with human rights, health and safety and the environment
Description/Target | Timeline | Perimeter | Status | SDGs |
Audits of the Group's suppliers of priority/strategic interest on respect for human rights, health and safety and the environment (approx. 200 suppliers including the remaining 7 not carried out due to COVID pandemic issues) with at least 40 audits per year. |
2023-2027 |
Group (excluding American subsidiaries) |
In 2023, 49 second-party sustainability audits were conducted through internal Fincantieri resources. Based on the results of the audits, actions to be implemented regarding that specific supplier are defined. In 2023, no audits fell short of expectations. |