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We involve the people who, every day, make us the company we are in the decision-making process. This approach boosts the sharing of company values and contributes to the improvement of the working environment, as do the policies for enhancing and protecting human capital.

Our people

In Fincantieri, we grow with our people. We are a company where everyone makes their ideas, practice, skills and actions available to everyone else, where there is international and multidisciplinary exchanges and dialogue, where we share risks and achievement and create value, together.

Group Conduct agreement

There is a little bit of each of us in our corporate values. We chose them together. But now we want to go further, and turn these values ​​into concrete behaviour. Site by site, yard by yard, we have gathered everyone's contribution. Thus, the Group Behavioural Pact was born.

Training and Development

We invest in training because we want our people to grow so that they can give their best, expressing their potential.

Health and safety

The scale and importance of the activities it carries out mean that Fincantieri is fully aware that is has a significant role in the economic development and welfare of the communities in which it operates.


We are a strategic resource for the country, therefore, the protection of all our most valuable assets, whether they are human, know-how, real estate, IT, is of crucial importance to our employees, shareholders, and of course Italy.


The Remuneration Policy is defined in compliance with our governance model to promote the Company's mission and its corporate values, to attract, motivate and retain people with high-level professional skills with the primary objective of creating value for shareholders over the medium-long term.

Company welfare

For us, welfare is a way to stimulate our people, and we believe it should become an integral part of a modern and effective management of our workforce. Employees may allocate to welfare part of the bonuses they earn when reaching the assigned goals.