Fincantieri has a solid and strong will to position itself as a key player in all aspects of sustainability. The Group's strategy, which sees the Company increasingly involved in the energy and digital transition as well as in addressing new socio-economic changes, is reflected in the new goals of the 2023-2027 Business Plan and Sustainability Plan.

In the 2023-2027 Business Plan, Fincantieri set out key projects to support growth and innovation, with the goal of becoming a world leader in the construction and operation of digital and green full-life ships for the tourism, defense and energy sectors.

The 2023-2027 Sustainability Plan is an integral part of the Group's strategic vision defined in the Industrial Plan and is aimed at creating value for all stakeholders. At this time of transformation, sustainability is a crucial element in the evolution of production processes and is an essential objective for the development of the product portfolio in line with customer needs, helping to ensure the Group's strong resilience and sustainable development over the long term. The Plan, in response to current socio-economic trends, has identified three Directions of development that reflect the Group's strategic vision of sustainability. These Directions not only ensure that Fincantieri's commitments are met, but also contribute to the achievement of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, Fincantieri has recognized 9 SDGs as relevant to its business and consistent with its strategic guidelines.

The 3 Directions for development, defined in synergy with the Business Plan, cover the 15 material topics identified by the Group from the materiality analysis, 7 of which are strategic topics for business development which the Group has decided to focus on:


The 2023-2027 Sustainability Plan was approved by the Board of Directors of Fincantieri S.p.A. on February 16th, 2023. Responsibility for achieving the objectives in the Sustainability Plan lies with the different corporate departments involved, which dedicate resources, tools and know-how to implement the actions underlying those objectives. The Plan’s objectives are revised on a periodically basis taking in account the results achieved and adding the new needs that arise over time.

Climate change

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Support for research to improve the analysis and management of risks associated with climate change


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Promotion of research projects to develop new solutions for energy efficiency or reduction of emissions in collaboration with research institutes / universities on issues associated with climate risks

Complete four projects by 2030, of which:
• 1 project
• 1 project
• 1 project
• 1 project



 Work in progress


Reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutant emissions with the aim of contributing to the fight against climate change


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

-4% of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions compared to 2021



 Work in progress


In 2023, we implemented several initiatives aimed at improving our environmental performance and reducing Scope 1 and 2* emissions compared to 2021.

2021: 148.924 tCO2e
2022: 151.114 tCO2e
2023: 144.959 tCO2e


* market-based, emissions from electricity purchased by considering emission factors expressed in CO2 relative to the residual mix


-8% of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions compared to 2021


-20% of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions compared to 2021


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Ensure the use of electricity from renewable sources

100% electricity from renewable sources



 Work in progress


We are committed, through the installation of photovoltaic systems and the purchase of Guarantees of Origin (GO), to gradually increase the share of electricity from renewable sources.
2021: 82%
2022: 82%
2023: 85%

Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Reduction of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through plant works and gradual substitution of the products used with solvent-free or lower-solvent alternatives

-3% VOC emissions over hours of production compared to 2021



 Work in progress


Thanks to initiatives put in place such as replacing traditional paint products with low-solvent or water-based solutions, VOC emissions have decreased compared to 2021, the baseline of the Plan target.
These initiatives involved suppliers, factories, and shipowning companies across the board. Increased activities developed within facilities equipped with high-efficiency abatement conveyance systems also had a significant impact.

2021: 25,1*10^-6 tCOV/hours of production
2022: 22,4*10 ^-6 tCOV/ hours of production
2023: 22,9*10^-6 tCOV/ hours of production


-5% VOC emissions over hours of production compared to 2021


Environmental impact of products and services

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Development of ecologically sustainable products and services with the aim of contributing to a circular and low carbon economy


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Identify initiatives and projects for the development of products and design tools for ships with reduced environmental impact

9 low environmental impact project initiatives (4 of which for the cruise business and 5 for the naval segment)


Fincantieri S.p.A.

 Work in progress



5 low environmental impact project initiatives (4 of which for the cruise business and 1 for the naval segment)


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Study on circular economy for Fincantieri S.p.A. cruise ships in cooperation with a university/research centre

• Analysing the maturity level of players in the shipping industry
• Identifying an analysis methodology
• Evaluating and identifying tools to implement the logic of circular economy


Fincantieri S.p.A.

 Work in progress


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Developing high energy-efficient cruise ships powered by eco-friendly/ renewable sources, with reduced environmental impact in terms of atmospheric emissions, discharges at sea and noise (green ships)

International Maritime Organization (IMO) target for 2025 (30% reduction in cruise ship EEDI* index compared to IMO baseline ref. EEDI-2008**), corresponding to a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions for the same tonnage and miles travelled at the EEDI index baseline speed


* Energy Efficiency Design Index defined by the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

** In its initial strategy, the IMO set 2008 as the baseline year against which to measure ambition levels. The baseline is a curve representing a mean value of EEDI as the size of the ship varies


Fincantieri S.p.A.

 Work in progress




IMO target for 2030 (40% reduction in cruise ship EEDI index compared to IMO baseline ref. EEDI-2008), corresponding to a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions for the same tonnage and miles travelled at the EEDI index baseline speed and zero emissions in port


Net Zero cruise vessels target


Innovation, research and development

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Investments in research and innovation with the aim of developing sustainable, efficient, safe and competitive products and processes with particular reference to the technologies needed to reduce environmental impact and increase their digitalization


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Research & Innovation Policy

Drafting of a Policy that identifies the principles and strategy chosen by the Group to approach product and process research and innovation





In line with the corporate strategy and objectives, we drafted the Innovation Policy in 2023 to guide the Group’s actions and maintain its leadership in technological innovation in the sectors in which Fincantieri operates.

Innovation Policy

Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Development of smart ships and smart offshore infrastructure and autonomous ships. Development of innovative solutions for shipyards (smart yards)

• Reference framework for secure interconnection (from a cyber security perspective) of all on-board systems for the exchange/recording of real time data in open formats
• On-board systems supporting a medium level of autonomy (e.g. IMO Degree 2/3)
• Solutions for floating offshore platforms supporting wind power generation systems
• Industry 4.0 tools to be adopted in the shipyard to increase productivity
• Tools for accessing digital assembly instructions and real-time monitoring of production progress on company technical systems
• Remotely controlled or unmanned platforms capable of operating in scenarios that are hazardous for operators (e.g. fire-fighting, contaminated area detection, etc.), capable of significantly increasing the operational effectiveness of the mission



 Work in progress


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs
Digital transformation via the introduction of technologies and equipment in order to optimise business processes and make them greener in line with organizational and management best practices

Completion of migration (50% remaining servers) from on-premise infrastructure to Public Cloud infrastructure characterized by improved energy efficiency (+16% DCIE*), and optimization of consumption compared to 2021 through:
- rationalization (~ -15% servers)
- re-sizing (~ -14% computing power)
- on-demand activation of non-productive servers (~ -60% up-time)


* Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCIE): ratio between the total power absorbed by IT equipment alone and the total power used by the data center.





The Journey to Cloud program aimed at adopting a hybrid, multi-cloud infrastructure solution, based on AWS/Azure Public Cloud, with significant energy efficiency improvements, was concluded successfully. The migration of the virtual servers previously hosted on a private Cloud was completed at the beginning of 2023 and involved a total of about 600 servers, allowing an increase in DCIE (Data Centre Cloud Infrastructure Efficiency) of about 16%. At the same time, rationalization activities were carried out that led to a reduction in the number of servers by about 15%.


Signing of a Group framework agreement for the supply of energy-efficient printers



A framework agreement was signed at Group level for the supply of energy- efficient printers (TEC** reduction of at least 70%), and an assessment was carried out on the printer fleet, which resulted in a reduction of about 8%. The replacement of obsolete printers during 2023 involved about 76% of the devices, compared to an initially planned target of 50%.


** Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC): electricity consumption of a device using an internationally recognized standard methodology. The TEC value is expressed in KWh/week.

Completion of obsolete printer refresh with TEC** fleet reduction of ~70% when fully operational


** Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC): electricity consumption of a device using an internationally recognized standard methodology. The TEC value is expressed in KWh/week


 Work in progress


Gradual adoption of Public Cloud infrastructure and Printing services by all Italian companies whose IT management falls within the Parent Company's perimeter


Assessment of Data Center and Printing services for VARD (Norway, Romania) and Fincantieri Marine Group (FMG) and definition of a development roadmap


As-Is Perimeter Parent Company: Data Center Services - Fincantieri S.p.A., Isotta Fraschini Motori, FC Infrastructure, FC SI, FC Oil&Gas, some companies of the Marine Interiors group, VARD (FC centralized services only); Printing Services - Fincantieri S.p.A., FC Infrastructure, FC SI, OSN, FC Oil&Gas, some companies of the Fincantieri NexTech group, some companies of the Marine Interiors group. As part of the SAP roll-out project in Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM), a cloud instance was activated for the IaaS delivery of ERP services in the US




Infrastructure assessments were carried out at the foreign subsidiaries, which were necessary to define possible evolution programs, aimed at improving the resilience, security and scalability of infrastructures, in line with Fincantieri’s best practices.

Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs
Digitalization of internal processes and collaboration with third parties

Digitalization and centralization of paper-based processes related to suppliers’ progress documentation (SAL and FAT area Engineering and COP*) and for the management of accesses of satellite businesses for Fincantieri S.p.A., enabling a reduction in paper printouts of about 1.1 million/year at the same workload


*COP: Production Coordination



 Work in progress



Introduction of a solution for the management of material transport from, to and between the Group sites**, capable of handling multiple logistic providers and slot booking logics, and experimentation with algorithms based on High Performance Computing or Quantum Computing to optimize intra-group transport and inventory generating a direct benefit on emissions


** Perimeter: Fincantieri S.p.A., Marine Interiors Cabins, Fincantieri Infrastructure, Centro Servizi Navali


Digitalization of the process of requesting, issuing and validating permits for the execution of flame and work on board ship (activities involving the production of flames/sparks) by satellite businesses, enabling a reduction in paper printouts of about 1 million/year at the same workload


Roll-out ERP SAP, an enabling platform for process digitalization, in the following subsidiaries:
- VARD (Norway, Romania)

- Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM), MI S.p.A.

- Fincantieri Bay Ship (FBS), remaining companies of the Interiors Hub






An international program was initiated to adopt the ERP SAP at Group companies, as an enabling platform for the end-to-end integration and optimization of core intra-Group processes. The roll-out of the ERP SAP at the Vard group’s subsidiaries in Romania and Norway has been completed, while the roll-out for Fincantieri Marinette Marine in the US is ongoing.


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs
Introduction of innovative analytics and process mining solutions that provide insights for process optimization

Introduction of a process mining solution with the aim of analysing the lead times of business processes and highlighting potential improvement actions, and its testing on the process of invoicing of accounts payable in order to assess its benefits before extending it to other business processes




The process mining pilot project was implemented using the solution identified on the perimeter use cases.


Creation of a corporate database (Data Platform) powered by data from corporate master systems (e.g. SAP, Inspection Call), activation of AI/machine learning services in order to provide useful analytics to deliver insights into areas of lower efficiency and to identify opportunities for optimizing and/or streamlining processes, and implementation of analytics and predictive analysis tools:
- Wave 1: 10 priority use cases (8 CFO, 2 Supply Chain)
- Wave 2: 25 use cases




In the area of business intelligence, the first phase of the study to define the architecture, data governance model and evolution roadmap was completed.
The first set-up of the company’s Data Platform integrated with data from the company’s master systems was carried out, the first cognitive and artificial intelligence services were activated and priority use cases were implemented.

Extension of analytics tools to other Group companies adopting the same processes:
- VARD (Norway, Romania)
- Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM), MI S.p.A.
- Fincantieri Bay Ship (FBS), remaining companies of the Interiors Hub




 Work in progress


Environmental management

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Implementation of projects to improve energy efficiency and conserve natural resources, protect biodiversity and reduce environmental impact to prevent soil, air and water pollution


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Waste reduction

Maintaining the portion of waste sent for recycling between 80-90% each year





Thanks to the initiatives of sorting and separating processing residues for recovery and reuse of materials still suitable for use in production activities, we have been able to consolidate the share of waste sent for recycling out of the total waste produced above 80 percent.
2021: 87%
2022: 84%
2023: 85%


- 5% of the quantity of waste produced over hours of production compared to 2021


 Work in progress


We are committed to reducing our waste especially hazardous waste. With a focus on the circularity of processing residues, we are pursuing various scouting activities that will enable us to reduce waste. Compared to 2021, waste generated on production hours has decreased by 4.8 %
2021: 0,00472 t/hours of production
2022: 0,00436 t/ hours of production
2023: 0,00449 t/ hours of production

- 10% of the quantity of waste produced over hours of production compared to 2021


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Reduction of water withdrawals

-3% of water withdrawal over hours of production compared to 2021



 Work in progress


We are aware of the importance of the water resource so over the years various measuring and monitoring tools have been implemented that have allowed us to take action and reduce water withdrawals compared to 2021.
2021: 0,000097 ML/hours of prduction
2022: 0,000091 ML/ hours of prduction
2023: 0,000093 ML/ hours of prduction


-10% of water withdrawal over hours of production compared to 2021


-12% of water withdrawal over hours of production compared to 2021


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Protection of biodiversity

Launch of project for the protection of biodiversity



 Work in progress


Analysis of the impacts of production processes on biodiversity


Definitions of actions to mitigate impacts on biodiversity


Customer satisfaction

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Listen to needs and expectations in order to maximize customer satisfaction


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Extending the customer satisfaction measurement model - Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) - to ESG issues

Expansion of the CSI questionnaire to ESG issues to understand customer satisfaction in terms of sustainable product and process





In 2023, the new CSI questionnaire was drafted, updating it with questions relevant to product and process ESG issues.


Application of the CSI questionnaire, including the ESG section




The updated questionnaire has already been delivered on the first ships delivered at the end of 2023, in advance of the timeframe set out in the Sustainability Plan.

Development and safeguarding of human resources

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Promotion of growth, training and enhancement of human capital


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Investing in the professional development of resources and enhancing their value so that they can contribute to the achievement of the Group's strategic objectives

As part of the meritocratic policy, reward at least 60% of the resources assessed as high performers* with the new performance appraisal model adopted globally
The bonus refers to salary increases, one-off measures, and level or qualification upgrades


*High performers refer to employees rated «Above Expectations» or «Excellent»





In 2023, the Group recognized 91 percent of the resources assessed as exceeding expectations of economic interventions expressed either by salary increases or level/qualification upgrades or one-time bonuses.


The scope includes all Group companies based in Italy, the U.S., and Vietnam that activated the annual performance evaluation process in the years 2021 and 2022. VARD Group companies based in Norway and Romania were not included in the scope because at present their evaluation system does not report an overall result and currently, in addition to annual salary negotiation for all employees, there are no merit-based policies

Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Developing the leadership of the future by strengthening the pipeline of young talent on accelerated growth paths, reducing the gender gap, avoiding anti-selection phenomena

+30% of new resources included in the «Talent» acceleration program for young high-potential resources embarking on a career development path, of which 25% are women compared to 2020-2022





The new edition of the "Talent" project, an initiative aimed at enhancing and developing young people with high potential within the Company, was launched. The 2023 edition involved 61 participants (+53% vs. 2020-2022 participants), 34% of whom were women. Overall, from the inaugural edition to date, the "Talent" project has reached a total of 175 people.


+40% new resources included in the «Talent» acceleration program, 30% of whom are women compared to 2020-2022



 Work in progress


Constant collaboration and cooperation in an inclusive and international context in order to encourage the exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences and the development of multidisciplinary skills


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Develop a working environment where employees feel increasingly involved, motivated and willing to build their professional future, through the use of annual surveys to measure employee engagement

Improve by 2pp the Employee Engagement rate* recorded in the 2022 Survey


*Employee engagement rate to measure the degree of belonging, satisfaction and motivation. It was calculated on the basis of favourable responses to 11 questions in the survey





In 2023, the Group's second Employee Engagement Survey was launched, allowing more than 16,000 employees to express their opinions, achieving an overall response rate of 83 percent.
There was a marked improvement in all dimensions, with the overall engagement rate increasing by 3 percentage points (75%) from 72% in 2022.


Improve by 5pp the Employee Engagement rate* recorded in the 2022 Survey


*Employee engagement rate to measure the degree of belonging, satisfaction and motivation. It was calculated on the basis of favourable responses to 11 questions in the survey


 Work in progress

Human rights

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Commitment to creating the socio-economic conditions to ensure respect for human rights throughout the value chain


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

In accordance with the guidelines being defined* and international best practices, proactively identify and assess potential risks and impacts related to the respect of human rights, incorporated in the policy and Code of Ethics, referred to and signed by suppliers in the general terms and conditions of the order


* In order to anticipate the demands contained in the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Duty of Care of Businesses with regard to sustainability


Due diligence on Italian and European production sites and their satellite businesses





In order to identify any human rights impacts during the year, the due diligence process was initiated on Italian and European sites, including contractors and suppliers (Tier 1) with whom Fincantieri does business.


Implementation of a plan of targeted interventions following due diligence


Monitoring compliance through the formalization of the monitoring and maintenance plan


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Annual (second party) sustainability audits by Fincantieri at suppliers’ premises to assessand monitor suppliers' compliance with human rights, health and safety and the environment

Audits of the Group's suppliers of priority/strategic interest on respect for human rights, health and safety and the environment (approx. 200 suppliers including the remaining 7 not carried out due to COVID pandemic issues) with at least 40 audits per year.
Starting from 2023, depending on the score obtained from the audit, recovery plans, progressive or immediate phase-outs will be defined on an ongoing basis, based on the severity, with evidence being reported in Supplier Oversight


Group (excluding American subsidiaries)



In 2023, 49 second-party sustainability audits were conducted through internal Fincantieri resources. Based on the results of the audits, actions to be implemented regarding that specific supplier are defined. In 2023, no audits fell short of expectations.


Diversity and equal opportunity

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Promotion of programs offering equal opportunities to all employees in order to promote diversity and inclusion within the Group


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Ensuring maximum integration and full involvement of the company population by developing training and awareness-raising initiatives on diversity and inclusion

2 projects, one to support parenting or caregivers and one to raise awareness of disability





Held the webinar "Understanding Cyberbullying" in partnership with E-PHORS and the Postal Police to offer support and guidance to parents.


Implemented the project ‘Disability and work: learning to listen and get to know each other.


1 project to promote multiculturalism and eliminate all forms of discrimination


Fincantieri S.p.A. and satellite businesses

1 project to raise awareness on disability at Group level



2 projects, of which one to enhance multiculturalism and eliminate all forms of discrimination and one to promote cooperation between generations


1 project supporting parenting or caregivers


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Strengthening gender equality and women's empowerment by promoting projects to ensure a level playing field for women in the world of work

Obtaining UNI PdR125 Gender Equality Certification for Fincantieri S.p.A.


Fincantieri S.p.A.



In 2023, Fincantieri S.p.A. and all its Italian subsidiaries received the UNI PdR125:2022 Gender Equality Certification.


Extend gender pay gap analysis to Group level





During 2023, a third-party company conducted a gender pay gap analysis at the Group level, which did not identify significant issues.

Developing a training program to support the professional careers of the women in the Group


100% reduction in the weighted gender pay gap


Develop 2 counselling and psychological assistance projects for women victims of gender-based violence


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Ensuring an appropriate level of gender representation by promoting the presence of women also in positions of responsibility

+2pp white collar women (white collar and middle managers) compared to 2021

+3pp middle manager women compared to 2021



 In progress


Due to the implemented initiatives, the presence of women has been steadily increasing year by year.


Percentage of white collar women (white collar and middle managers):
2021: 22.0%
2022: 22.3%
2023: 22.6%


Percentage of middle manager women:
2021: 15.0%
2022: 16.1%
2023: 16.1%


+4pp white collar women (white collar and middle managers) compared to 2021

+5pp middle manager women compared to 2021


Company welfare

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Increase the well-being of people through innovative solutions rathert han traditional ones


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Development of the company crèche service

Activation of 2 additional crèche services to support parenting and home-work balance


Fincantieri S.p.A.

 Work in progress


The first kindergarten, based at the Merchant Ship Division, was activated in September 2022. A second kindergarten, based in Monfalcone at the former Albergo Operai, was instead activated in October 2023.


Local communities and relations with the local area

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Dialogue with and support for local communities through social, environmental, cultural and educational initiatives


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Communication campaign to disseminate the Group's new mission, vision and purpose to all relevant stakeholders in order to play an active role in building a supportive and inclusive community

Definition of the integrated strategic communication and sustainability plan in order to disseminate the corporate purpose, the Group's new mission in the creation of long-term sustainable value for all its reference communities while respecting people and the environment





In 2023 the Group presented its purpose, new mission and global communication strategy at the Fincantieri Convention in May 2023. A new and evolved equity story lies at the heart of the project and is summarized by the new claim Future on Board.


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Development of educational and social inclusion projects especially for disadvantaged groups and those at risk of exclusion

Activation of at least two initiatives, one of which at Group level





Fincantieri supports the WOW - Wheels on Waves - Around The World project, which allows people with mobility disabilities to sail around the world on the catamaran "'Lo Spirito di Stella'" led by disabled skypper Andrea Stella. As part of the project, concrete activities are planned, one of which has already taken place in La Spezia where some children and young people with disabilities, children of our colleagues, experienced an educational day approaching sailing, were able to visit the catamaran and understand how it is possible to overcome challenges and achieve one's goals, regardless of the difficulties encountered.



Activation of at least two initiatives, one of which at Group level


 Work in progress


Collaboration with governments, national and international associations to adopt policies and strategies to contribute to a healthy, inclusive, resilient and sustainable society for everyone


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Support institutions in defining pathways in research and innovation that favour the design of ships with reduced environmental impact

6 institutional meetings


Fincantieri S.p.A.



In 2023, ahead of schedule, meetings were held with the institutions stipulated in the Plan. Specifically, the meetings focused on:
- offshore wind renewable energy;
- technologies enabling the use of hydrogen for ship propulsion;
- new ship concepts attentive to improving environmental quality and reducing consumption;
- implementation of the plan and actions to decarbonize maritime transport;
- development of the supply chain related to floating wind power plants at sea.


Health and safety in the workplace

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Continuous improvement of workers’ health and safety conditions


Objective Description/Target Ttimeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Improvement of health and safety at work performance with a view to zero accidents to protect workers' health and the work environment

Contain the frequency rate for work-related injuries* below 7.5 for the next 5 years


* Frequency rate (injury rate) (no. of work-related injuries/hours worked x 1,000,000)





During 2023, there has been a frequency index < to 7.5 and a severity index ≤ 0.2. In particular, it is recorded:

Frequency rate:
2021: 7,41
2022: 8,14
2023: 6,56

Severity index:
2021: 0,23
2022: 0,28
2023: 0,18


Contain the severity index** below 0.2 for the next 5 years


** Severity index (no. of days lost due to injuries/hoursworked x 1,000)

Objective Descrption/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Conducting work-related stress risk analysis

100% of Italian shipyards and subsidiaries over 4 years analysed on work-related stress risk



 Work in progress


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Support tools to improve ergonomics and reduce workloads

Carry out a feasibility study for the adoption of tools to support manual activities, such as industrial exoskeletons, that are compatible with the work environment on board ships under construction in relation to the increase in the average age of the working population in order to achieve an improvement in working conditions in certain activities that engage the musculoskeletal system through robotic structures of various types



 Work in progress



Following the outcome of feasibility studies, make the tools identified as suitable for Group companies with similar production processes progressively operational


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Supporting inspection activities through robotic systems

Carry out a feasibility study for the adoption of autonomous inspection and monitoring systems for shipyard areas and on board ship. These tools will be used to perform their tasks in high-risk or difficult-to-access areas for personnel or for the automation of low value-added tasks





One of the strands of in-depth study initiated in 2023 relates to the adoption of Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) systems for inspection and monitoring at the construction site and on board ship. The feasibility study focused on assembly/construction activities, activities in hazardous areas or poorly accessible, and activities with low added value for operators.


Development and operation of 3 prototypes such as: quadrupeds or rovers equipped with sensors for monitoring activities, drones for inspection to analyse accessibility of high-risk areas


 Work in progress


Extension of instruments to Group companies with similar production processes


Product quality and safety

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Continuous improvement of the quality and safety of products and services in compliance with technical standards, in all phases of the production process to meet the high standards required by the business


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Increasing the level of control over the cyber risk exposure of the product supply chain

Activation of an audit plan on cyber risk exposure from systems belonging to a pool of 20 suppliers, representing 90% of the cruise business's cyber-critical systems as per IACS UR E26 standard


100% Italian shipyards already in possession of ISO 9001 certification


Fincantieri S.p.A.

 Work in progress



Sustainable supply chain

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Promotion and support of a responsible and sustainable supply chain that shares our values and is based on long-lasting relationships founded on integrity, transparency and respect


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Development of a Sustainable Supply Chain in order to integrate sustainability criteria into the supplier qualification system and to ensure adequate risk control

• Launch of an ESG assessment program and coverage of the most relevant suppliers in terms of purchasing volume of 30%


Group (excluding American subsidiary companies)



At the end of 2023, suppliers accounting for 32,4% of the total perimeter purchasing volume were assessed in ESG terms, exceeding the 30% target defined in the Plan. The ESG score makes it possible to assess the supplier in terms of sustainability and at the same time provide it with a tool for analysis and improvement.


• Attribution of ESG scores to at least 50% of strategic qualified suppliers*


• ESG assessment and gap analysis on the evaluated sample


• Attribution of ESG scores to 100% of strategic qualified suppliers


• Extension of ESG supplier scoring system to European subsidiaries**


• Definition of a model for the use of ESG assessment in procurement processes:
- integration of ESG scores into supplier qualification criteria
- development of improvement plans for less virtuous suppliers


• Implementation of reward mechanisms linked to ESG assessment



* Meaning suppliers in the Register, net of customer-referenced and imposed suppliers.
** The result is subject to the extension of the Fincantieri S.p.A. model to VARD (processes, systems, ERP and e-NGAGE portal).

Objective Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Raising supplier awareness of ESG issues

• Organization of at least one engagement session on ESG issues per year with strategic suppliers


Group (excluding American subsidiary companies)



On October 17, 2023, the “Let's turn Collaboration into Innovation - Fincantieri's Supplier Summit” was held at the Genoa Aquarium. The event involved more than 200 partner companies and was an opportunity to recognize the value of Made in Italy and SMEs, the digital and sustainable evolution undertaken by the Company and its supply chain.


Managing «conflict minerals» along the supply chain


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Managing «conflict minerals» along the supply chain

• Drafting and publishing a Policy on management of «conflict minerals»*





In 2023, the Conflict Minerals Policy was drafted and approved by the CEO of Fincantieri S.p.A., which aims to counter the use of minerals extracted, refined or marketed in contexts characterized by armed conflicts and human rights violations.


• Identification and implementation of contractual tools for the management of «conflict minerals»


• Extension to relevant subsidiaries with reference to EU Regulation 2017/821


• Monitoring of relevant product groups



* Refer to raw materials or minerals -tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (the '3TGs') -from high-risk areas or areas affected by armed conflict, the trade of which can finance armed groups, fuel forced labour and other human rights violations and support corruption and money laundering.

Governance and business integrity

Which objectives do we have on this topic?


Promotion of the sustainability culture in line with the Group Values, encouraging managers to think in a sustainable manner within their sphere of action


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Assignment of sustainability objectives within the corporate variable reward system

Application of an increase to the Result Bonus and Management Objective Plan related to five annual sustainability objectives to the target population (white and blue collar workers)


Fincantieri S.p.A.



As part of the renewal of the Supplementary Agreement, the Sustainability Bonus was introduced. The Bonus, linked to five sustainability indicators, is aimed at the entire white and blue-collar workforce of Fincantieri S.p.A., Cetena, Isotta Fraschini Motori and Orizzonte Sistemi Navali.


Attribution of sustainability objectives to at least 25% of the staff (middle managers and executives) who have access to the variable reward system




100% of Fincantieri's MBO recipient resources have been assigned a sustainability goal. With a weight ranging between 15% and 20%. In addition, 100% of the resources of the companies pertaining to the Clusters (Electronics Cluster, Infrastructure Cluster, Furniture Cluster), Isotta Fraschini Motori and Fincantieri SI recipients of MBO were assigned a sustainability goal.

Attribution of sustainability objectives to at least 25% of the staff with access to the variable reward system



 Work in progress


Attribution of sustainability objectives to the top management of foreign subsidiaries





Top management of foreign subsidiaries has been assigned a sustainability goal (Environmental - Climate change, Social - People, Governance - Sustainable supply chain).

Increasingly sustainable and responsible corporate performance, creating the conditions for development that ensures the needs and expectations of all stakeholders are met


Objective Description/Target Timmeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Align the financing strategy with its sustainability targets and international best practices in terms of sustainable finance

Increase the weight of sustainable finance to at least 20% of medium-to long-term funding





In 2023, the Group continued its work to link its portfolio of financial instruments with the strategies outlined in the Sustainability Plan, managing to finalize ‘green’ finance products totalling euro 1,615 million during the year, of which euro 615 million of construction loans and euro 1,000 million of medium/long-term financing. At the end of 2023, total outstanding medium/long-term loans at Group level amounted to euro 2,163 million, of which euro 1,240 million equal to 57% of the total ‘green/ESG linked’ finance.


Increase the weight of sustainable finance to at least 30% of medium- to long-term funding


Increase the weight of sustainable finance to at least 40% of medium- to long-term funding


Maintenance of the Corporate Governance system and risk management (including sustainability risk) in line with international best practices


Objective Description/Target Timeline Perimeter Status SDGs

Alignment of the FINCANTIERI Travel Security program with the guideline UNI ISO 31030: 2021 Travel risk management - Guidance for organizations to further ensure the safety of travelling employees

• Definition and publication of a Travel Risk Policy compliant with ISO 31030 and updating of existing corporate procedures (where necessary)


Fincantieri S.p.A.

 Work in progress


In 2023, the definition of a Travel Risk Policy was concluded. The Travel Risk Management (TRM) operational model for Fincantieri S.p.A. is currently being updated.


• Definition of a Travel Risk Management (TRM) operational model for Fincantieri S.p.A.

• Gap analysis through third-party audit of Fincantieri's TRM model referring to the perimeter of Italian subsidiaries and drafting of an alignment road map



 Work in progress


Within the perimeter of Italian subsidiaries, we have engaged in an internal-gap analysis resulting in the definition of an alignment road map preparatory to subsequent third-party audit.

• Start of the gap analysis process of Fincantieri’s TRM model referring to the VARD group perimeter and drafting of an alignment road map


Group (excluding American subsidiary companies)

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