Polar Research Vessel

Multirole and Research Ships

Polar Research Vessel

Ice going Marine Research Vessel, suitable for unassisted operations worldwide, including the Arctic and Antarctic areas.

The vessel can accomplish multiple missions, including oceanography, hydrography, marine biology, geology, ROV / AUV / seismic / helicopter / cargo handling / launch & recovery operations, students training.

L’unità è in grado di ospitare a bordo 55 persone in 38 cabine, tra ricercatori, studenti ed equipaggio ed è allestita seguendo gli elevati standard di comfort delle navi passeggeri. A prua presenta un hangar che può ospitare due elicotteri ed è dotata di una strumentazione complessa in grado di indagare la morfologia e la geologia dei fondali marini. 

Commissioning  Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Kronprins Haakon   2018

Technical Information

main characteristics

Length overall

abt. 100.00 m

Length between perpendiculars

abt. 84.80 m

Moulded breadth

abt. 21.00 m

Full load displacement

abt. 10,885 t

Icebreaking design draft

abt. 7.80 m

Icebreaking maximum draft

abt. 8.10 m

Maximum draft scantling

abt. 8.65 m


15 kn

Range at 11-12 kn

15,000 nm


55 people

Single cabins


Double cabins



Azimuth thrusters aft

2 x abt. 5,000 kW


2 x abt. 4,300 bkW + 2 x abt. 2,900 bkW

Auxiliaries MACHINERY

Harbour diesel generator

abt. 1,000 ekW

LNG-driven generator (on deck)

abt. 1,000 ekW

Emergency diesel generator

abt. 500 ekW


1 Drop keel facility for underwater transducers

1 Dynamic Positioning System DPS1 with Hydro Acoustic reference system

1 Integrated navigation systems and GMDSS Area A4 with VSAT communications equipment

1 Deep and shallow water multi beam echo sounder

1 Medium and deep Water Sub Bottom profiler

1 ADCP and deep water single beam echo sounder

1 Intermediate and long range omnidirectional fisheries Sonars

1 Hydrophones for trawl geometry and catch monitoring systems

Winches and cranes systems for scientific operations:

•ROV operations

•CTD sampling operations

•Fishing trawl operations

•Giant piston corer

•1 Main Deck Crane 12 T @ 20 m

•Seismic streamer operations capabilities

•Various container cargo capabilities

•16 scientific laboratories


Flight deck for Super Puma, EC225 or similar and hangar for 2 off light helicopter type AS 350 Equereil