The vessels


Powerful vessel in accordance with Customer wishes: fast attack missions design with strong warfare and stealth capabilities in a combatant version, flexible patrolling design for coast guard and sea lines defense operation; drawn from Fincantieri design experience to accomplish different missions on well-proven and reliable hull forms.

Classe Falaj2
Classe Musherib


Ship design for excellent seaworthiness characteristics in combination with high performances and strong warfare capabilities. Vessel architecture and hull forms derived from Fincantieri experience on Corvettes well-proven design and construction. Minimized manning demand for wide range missions, combined with operational flexibility to be shaped in accordance to Customer wishes.

Classe Sirio
Classe Dost
Classe Comandanti
Classe Abu Dhabi


Higher redundancy level in a modern and advanced technological design. Ship naval architecture and optimized vessel performances for wide extended ranges, together with excellent flexibility and readiness in all operating conditions. FCX20 can ensure great capabilities in all warfare domains, in accordance to Customer needs and designated missions.


High survivability level through propulsion and power generation configuration and redundancy, together with main systems distribution on board to minimize Ship vulnerability. Extended area and anti-ballistic missile defense capabilities combined with last generation technology allow FCX30 to be in the first line Ship range.


Unreachable survivability capabilities in the worldwide competitor market provide FCX40 a significant tactical advantage in both open crisis and peaceful time mission profile. Quick and easy damage control with reduced manning request, combined with masterly characteristics in all warfare domain featuring as first line Ship class.  

FCX series

A Class Apart